aluminum free deodorant migraine


Research for The Migraine Diet has made me acutely aware of my health and the what I put into my body. I’ve written a chapter about TOXINS in The Migraine Diet with regard to how they may be related to the frequency and severity of migraine attacks and last year I decided to try AluminumFree […]
breathe deep breathing relaxation migraine

Deep Breathing for Relaxation

Focused breathing and effort toward relaxation are often combined for great health benefit and can drastically alter how we manage stress in our daily lives. It has even been reported that studied medidations can be responsible for lowered levels of lactate in the blood. The following link is a good starter for ‘Breathing and Relaxation’ […]
deep breathing awareness migraine management

Deep Breathing for Migraine Management

I am a firm believer in the positive effects of proper, consistent breathing techniques as a preventative to migraine. I’ve often noticed my tendency to hold my breath or breath in quick, shallow puffs when cold, nervous or fatigued and I’m just now seeing that I can counter that tendency and do the opposite with proper awareness, […]