
Follow-up after to the ski day post: It was great and I slayed this dragon! It rained (yes, rained!) the whole day but WOW, was it worth it. I feel like I’ve done something extraordinary for myself and am finding a sense of optimism. I’ve been listening to podcasts about ‘catastrophizing’ in the past few […]


Do you ever feel like you’re gambling by committing to a social event or activity? I’m planning a ski day with my kids tomorrow and I feel like I’ve set myself up for a gamble; will I be OK to go in the morning, will I have an aura attack while on the hill, how […]


I realized this morning that I’m stuck. I’m stuck and I’m breaking, trying to make sense of the world amidst the chaos of every day; the financial anxiety (how long can we hold out like this?), concern for the future (is this year, 2020, an indicator of the world we have to look forward to?), […]

Migraine Fear

This year I went months (months!) without suffering a migraine.  Respite, relief and disbelief were my experience in those months and I eventually began to feel like a ‘regular’ person; making plans, going out alone, having a social life. And, if I didn’t know what it is like to live with migraine, I might have […]

ABOUT the Migraine Diet

Have you ever stopped to consider the possible side-effects of the additives & preservatives listed on the food labels at your supermarket? Why are they there? What do they do? Could they be making you sick? The Migraine Diet  presents information as pertains to the following: What’s in our food? What’s in your food? “Commonly […]
interviewer on air migraine

Reporter Experiences Migraine On-Air

Imagine the fear Serene Branson felt as she attempted to complete this on-air report (click here to watch),  especially if this is the first migraine she has ever experienced. The inability to speak, blurred (or disrupted) vision, numb limbs and head pain are terrifying to even the most experienced migraineur. Wishing you good luck as you […]
aspartame artificial sweetener

New Name for Aspartame

NOTICE: Aspartame has been rebranded. Excellent information in this Huffington Post link Here’s an excerpt: “Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong […]